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Our Services


FQHC Designation & Compliance

We provide a wide range of services for current and prospective FQHCs. We write and help you prepare for all types of FQHC requirements, including New Access Points, Look-Alikes, Service Area Competitions, Renewals of Designation, annual Budget Period Renewals, Federal Torts Claims Act (FTCA) applications, Operational Site Visit (OSV) preparation, mock site visits, board training, and more. GBA’s competitive application award and renewal rates are among the highest in the nation.

This success is due to our help in navigating the application process and positioning your organization for a competitive award. We use methods favored by the funding agency, the Federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). We will support you in any way you need, from reviewing and providing feedback for your application, assessing your service area, and providing the service area data you need to prepare the full application, which you or we submit through and HRSA’s Electronic Handbook. We will also help you evaluate the performance of your FQHC through patient origin studies and performance satisfaction reviews.

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Grant Writing & Management

We will support your grant development efforts in many ways from reviewing and providing feedback on your grant application to writing full grant proposals designed to fund the services your community needs. If you have an idea for a great program, we will research funding opportunities, link your organization with the best leads, and help you effectively approach funders.


We have experience working on corporate, foundation, and government grants. Our staff provide grant management services, such as reviewing a request for proposal and providing a checklist of application requirements. We also propose internal due dates to ensure that we are successful in submitting a compliant and timely application.

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Program/Service Evaluation

We will conduct qualitative and/or quantitative analyses of programs, including process and outcome evaluations, agency‐specific formative reviews, quality improvement activities, and evaluations of funded and contracted programs.

Our reports give you a strategic edge when seeking funding, and we will conduct your assessments to satisfy funders while more importantly providing you with insight into the services that you are providing. We can recommend adjustments to maximize your funders’ investment in your organization, which is a win‐win for everyone.

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CCBHC Development & Compliance

GBA is dedicated to the advancement and expansion of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) across the nation. The CCBHC is a federal program funded by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and GBA will assist prospective and currently funded CCBHCs with all phases of their program from conception to closeout. GBA will help by advising on your program readiness; consulting on program design; drafting the proposal and preparing the grant application; demonstrating compliance through the attestation process; helping understand CCBHC criteria and requirements; assisting with implementation through the creation of policies, workflows, protocols, operating manual, and other logistical and programmatic components; serving as CCBHC program evaluators or providing technical assistance on evaluation; and reporting to SAMHSA.


Please visit our sister website, CCBHC Support, for information on our services and the CCBHC Program.

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Strategic Planning

We will facilitate the strategic planning processes involving board members, managers, and other stakeholders, and help you to develop a written strategic plan for your agency. This often includes conducting a thorough needs assessment and compiling data for presentation in combination with facilitated convenings where ideas are considered for charting the organization’s future. We will draft, edit, and produce a final written strategic plan, with metrics, that guide your organization with purpose through the coming years.

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Survey Research & Design

We will help you in developing surveys to meet the needs of your organization, programs, and services. We have experience with patient satisfaction surveys, Board of Director assessments of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), employment engagement and staff morale surveys, surveys on behavioral health integration, and more. Our services include the development of customized survey instruments and written reports and presentations.

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Tribal Services

GBA works with Native American organizations and Tribes providing grant writing, needs assessment, and program evaluation services.  In addition to serving as program evaluators for several federally funded Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) grants to Native organizations, GBA has written applications and provided evaluation services for state-funded initiatives.  Additionally, GBA serves as an evaluation consultant as a subcontractor to the Indian Health Services (IHS) and the Agency for Native Americans (ANA), working with grantees from across the country on local and cross-site evaluations.  We are also acquainted with the literature by scholars, leaders, and providers discussing the impact of historical and intergenerational trauma and unresolved grief on the health and well-being of individuals and families. GBA principals also have published referred journal articles on conducting evaluations within Native American communities.


GIS Mapping Analysis

Our GIS specialist will use mapping programs and proprietary geographic databases of community demographic information to enable agencies to visualize their service delivery reach and identify underserved populations and communities.

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Program Client Analytics

We can take a systematic approach to practical inquiry in support of projects designed to improve quality of life, solve social problems, and gain knowledge helpful in meeting community needs. We utilize rigorous social science methods of data collection and analysis. Our staff economists will assess markets for existing or expanded health services, social services, and infrastructure. We specialize in identifying potential markets for your services and framing your social and economic impact in ways that stakeholders understand your organization’s value to the community.

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Community Need Assessments

We will prepare a rigorous, representative assessment of needs in a community, neighborhood, or jurisdiction. Our methods include a combination of secondary data collection, survey development and dissemination, and focus groups and interviews. Our analyses include resource mapping, subpopulation analysis, and perceptions of need. We will mine the data we collect to get the answers you need to assess current and potential new service opportunities.


(530) 877-3426  



© 2022 by Gary Bess Associates

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